In today’s digital age, website security is a top priority for website owners. SSL certificates are a critical component of website security, helping to protect sensitive data and build trust with website visitors. But with so many different types of SSL certificates available, it can be confusing to choose the right one for your website. In this post, we will discuss the different types of SSL certificates available and how to choose the right one for your website.

  1. Domain Validated SSL Certificate (DV)

A Domain Validated SSL Certificate is the most basic type of SSL certificate. This type of certificate verifies only that the domain is owned by the individual or organization requesting the certificate. A DV SSL certificate is the quickest and easiest SSL certificate to obtain, and is typically issued within minutes. DV SSL certificates are a good choice for personal websites and blogs, but may not be sufficient for e-commerce websites that handle sensitive data.

  1. Organization Validated SSL Certificate (OV)

An Organization Validated SSL Certificate is a step up from a DV SSL certificate. It requires more validation than a DV SSL certificate, and verifies the identity of the organization requesting the certificate. OV SSL certificates require a manual verification process, and typically take several days to issue. This type of SSL certificate is a good choice for small to medium-sized businesses, as it provides a higher level of trust and security than a DV SSL certificate.

  1. Extended Validation SSL Certificate (EV)

An Extended Validation SSL Certificate is the highest level of SSL certificate available. It requires the most rigorous validation process, and verifies both the identity of the organization requesting the certificate and the legal existence of the organization. EV SSL certificates are recognized by a green address bar in the user’s web browser, which provides a high level of trust and security. This type of SSL certificate is recommended for e-commerce websites and other websites that handle sensitive data.

  1. Wildcard SSL Certificate

A Wildcard SSL Certificate is a type of SSL certificate that allows you to secure multiple subdomains with a single certificate. For example, if your website has subdomains such as,, and, a Wildcard SSL Certificate will allow you to secure all of these subdomains with a single certificate. This can save you time and money, and is a good choice for websites that have multiple subdomains.

  1. Multi-Domain SSL Certificate (SAN)

A Multi-Domain SSL Certificate, also known as a Subject Alternative Name (SAN) SSL Certificate, allows you to secure multiple domain names with a single certificate. For example, if your website has multiple domain names such as,, and, a Multi-Domain SSL Certificate will allow you to secure all of these domain names with a single certificate. This can save you time and money, and is a good choice for websites that have multiple domain names.

  1. Code Signing SSL Certificate

A Code Signing SSL Certificate is a type of SSL certificate that is used to sign code, such as software applications, plugins, and other digital products. This type of SSL certificate verifies the identity of the publisher, and ensures that the code has not been tampered with. A Code Signing SSL Certificate is a good choice for software developers and other digital product publishers.

  1. S/MIME SSL Certificate

A S/MIME SSL Certificate is a type of SSL certificate that is used to secure email communication. This type of SSL certificate encrypts emails, and ensures that the emails are not tampered with during transmission. A S/MIME SSL Certificate is a good choice for businesses that handle sensitive information via email.

In conclusion, SSL certificates are a critical component of website security. Choosing the right SSL certificate for your website depends on your specific needs and the level of trust and security you want to provide to your website visitors. Whether you need a basic DV SSL certificate or an EV SSL certificate with the highest level of validation, there is a type of SSL certificate available for every website owner. It is important to choose an SSL certificate that provides the right level of security for your website, without overpaying for features you do not need.

When choosing an SSL certificate, consider the level of trust and security you want to provide to your website visitors. If your website handles sensitive data, such as e-commerce websites or websites that collect personal information, an EV SSL certificate is a good choice. If your website has multiple subdomains or domain names, a Wildcard SSL Certificate or Multi-Domain SSL Certificate is a good choice. If you are a software developer or digital product publisher, a Code Signing SSL Certificate is a good choice. And if you need to secure email communication, a S/MIME SSL Certificate is a good choice.

It is also important to consider the reputation of the SSL certificate provider. Choose a reputable SSL certificate provider, such as Comodo, DigiCert, or GlobalSign, that has a track record of providing high-quality SSL certificates and good customer support.

In summary, SSL certificates are a critical component of website security, and there are many different types of SSL certificates available. Choosing the right SSL certificate for your website depends on your specific needs and the level of trust and security you want to provide to your website visitors. Take the time to research different types of SSL certificates and choose a reputable SSL certificate provider to ensure that your website is secure and your visitors can trust your website.

SSL for WordPress Website

WordPress is a popular website building platform that powers millions of websites on the internet. WordPress websites can benefit greatly from having SSL certificates installed. SSL certificates help secure sensitive data and protect your website’s visitors from cyber threats.

Fortunately, adding SSL to a WordPress website is a fairly simple process. Many WordPress hosting providers offer free SSL certificates with their hosting plans, such as Let’s Encrypt SSL. If your web host does not offer free SSL certificates, there are many affordable options available that provide various levels of SSL certificates.

To add an SSL certificate to your WordPress website, you need to generate a certificate signing request (CSR) and submit it to a certificate authority. The certificate authority will then validate your domain ownership and issue an SSL certificate. Once you receive the SSL certificate, you need to install it on your web server and configure your WordPress website to use HTTPS.

Fortunately, many web hosting providers have streamlined this process and provide automated SSL certificate installation tools for WordPress websites. With just a few clicks, you can install an SSL certificate and configure your WordPress website to use HTTPS.

Using HTTPS on your WordPress website not only provides a higher level of security for your visitors, but it can also improve your website’s search engine rankings. Google has indicated that HTTPS is a ranking factor and that websites using HTTPS may rank higher in search results than those that do not.

In summary, adding SSL to your WordPress website is a crucial step in securing your website and protecting your visitors. Most web hosting providers offer free or affordable SSL certificates that can be installed easily, and many have automated tools to streamline the process. By using HTTPS on your WordPress website, you can improve your website’s security and search engine rankings.
