You can optimize your website yourself

Many have different websites. Some people’s websites are very fast, while some people’s websites are very slow. Following a few methods can make your website faster than ever. Though it’s a secret technique that no one usually reveals. Let’s see about the technique

Website Speed Optimization

Webmaster tools or webpage speed test tools provide some website speed optimization tips after a website speed test, which are mostly confusing matters, to many users. Your website isn’t just a thing, it’s also like a human body or an engine part, there are many small and big things that help you serve your page together. There are many things that can work behind a page fast loading, if one of these is error, the page can be slow loading. Firstly, your web hosting provider factors, then matters how optimized your webpages are, then depends on how fast the client internet connection is, then matters the specifications of the client device. If there is a problem with one of these, the webpage will be delayed to load.

Selection of Hosting Provider

Although hosting is not much to increase page loading speed, also hosting is a lot more. If you want next level speed, I would definitely recommend using cloud hosting in that case. How fast the page loads depends on how well you optimize your page, but how fast your site can be pinged depends on your hosting providers.
In simple words, the response time on the site depends on the web server. Now not everyone can afford to invest money in the cloud, because the cloud is not cheap at all. Good page speed can also be gained using shared hosting. But the fact is that many shared hosting companies host many websites on the same server to reduce package costs, which is why the server provides a much slow response. With cheap web hosting server ports are 100 MB, which is worth running for single websites but won’t perform well for hundreds of sites on the same server.Here you can find out which is the best web hosting 2021

Do site speed test regularly

Fast server can help you connect your site faster, but how long it takes to load the page depends on your web-page. Making a full functional site too fast isn’t a word of mouth. A commercial site contains ads, different social plugins are used, different widgets that can’t be removed, but these are mostly slow speed. Fast page has many qualities, keep in mind not everyone uses high speed broadband, so slow internet connection so your site performs well is important. Currently more than half of the traffic on the internet comes from mobile devices (this number is increasing), and fast page loading can hold mobile users, otherwise many will be forced to leave the site due to page loading.
There are more tools for speed testing the website that everyone can use one by one. Although the result of one tool may be different from another, you can get a fairly good idea. You can check out Google’s official tool called Page Speed, where you can measure how your site is behaving from mobile and desktop.

Need to reduce page size

If your site is text-based like you, there is nothing to reduce the size of HTML, but using special compression mathd, it can be reduced to a bit and delivered to the user browser. Gzip / deflate compression can be enabled by modifying the HTCCESS file from the server, if you use WordPress, this compression can also be enabled from the cashing plugin. Or many hosting providers already enable this compression mathd in their servers.
If you can’t enable it yourself, contact your hosting provider, their tech support team will do it to you (must do it! ). Webpages need to reduce the number of files, the lesser the files the lesser the DNS hideup and the faster the webpages! I know that a full website has to have many features even if you don’t want to, especially ads which won’t be able to keep the website running without it. But A ads and different marketing plugins use different servers to send different requests to the browser, which increases page loading time.

Reduce the image size

Reducing image size is a very important thing in optimizing website speed. I’ve seen many people making this mistake and I’ve made this mistake before, just uploading un-compressed images on the site. JPG images can be compressed up to 70-75 percent, making 700 KB image 150 KB without losing much quality.
Image optimization for WordPress is very easy, it can be done easily by using a few plugins. But the process can be a bit difficult for HTML sites. You have to download images from server folder, then compress the images with an image editing software, then upload the images to the server again.

Optimize the script

If you have many external scripts on your page, like new plugins, Google fonts, advertisements, widgets, tracking codes etc, your page will definitely slow load. Must check your ads dashboard, see how clicking on which ad unit there. Remove units that don’t get clicks at all, believe me less ads units can increase your page speed a lot.

Use browser cache

If your site is too dynamic, it’s a different thing to use the browser cache technique. When the browser cache system is used, the browser will load static content from the local system without repeated requests to the server. First of all, the site will take fast load as it is; secondly, it will be possible to save server bandwidth. Many static files, like your site logo, site icons, social media icons are same on every page, then why loading requests from server again and again? – You can enable the browser cache feature from Just caching plugin if you use WordPress. In case of separate CMS or Apache server, you can also modify the HTACCES file and cash on the browser, just google it.